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Pregnancy After Bariatric Surgery

Pregnancy After Bariatric Surgery

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Pregnancy After Bariatric Surgery

Stomach Reduction & Pregnancy

The desire for children by an obese woman can indeed be considered as one of the indications for obesity surgery. Studies show that the risk for both the mother and the child after the surgery is even lower than before gastric surgery. At Get Slim Turkey Clinic, you can have the operation performed by experienced surgeons you trust in Turkey with English-speaking support at comparable low costs.

Severe Obesity and Desire for a Baby

According to the S3 guideline for obesity valid in Europe, a woman’s desire to have a baby is clearly mentioned as an indication for bariatric surgery. In other words, a woman’s wish to conceive is one of the important criteria considered when deciding on the surgery. A population-based study demonstrates that the surgery not only increases the chances of pregnancy but also improves the health prospects of the unborn child. Research on women who have undergone gastric bypass surgery shows a decrease in the risks of major birth defects after the surgery (German Medical Association 2019, 116(49)).

The decision regarding the surgery and the surgical method is generally made on an individual basis. Taking into account various factors. In addition to the desire for a baby, there are other criteria that must be met for bariatric surgery. Such as, a BMI of 35 to 40 and over 40, meeting health requirements for the procedure. And, a willingness to undergo permanent dietary counseling.

Ultimately, the surgery is intended to have not only a short-term effect but also a lasting benefit for health. Without bariatric surgery, the risks of gestational diabetes are high. Including potential consequences such as birth defects and child health issues. At GetSlim Clinic in Turkey, you can receive comprehensive guidance from experienced specialist doctors. If the doctor does not speak English, a competent medical interpreter will accompany you for translations. You will receive extensive information about the surgical methods, the expected course, risks, and benefits, as well as post-operative care. Naturally, you can ask the doctor any questions and receive clear answers that are understandable even for individuals with limited medical knowledge.

Pregnancy After Sleeve Gastrectomy

After gastric sleeve surgery, it is advisable to wait at least 18 to 24 months before attempting pregnancy. You will receive information about contraceptives that are effective even after surgery. It is crucial that you consistently follow all dietary guidelines. Often, after gastric sleeve surgery, you will need to take nutritional supplements. Please be sure to strictly adhere to such recommendations to prevent the baby from being undernourished at birth. Once pregnancy occurs, it is essential to receive very close medical monitoring. Typically, monthly ultrasounds are performed. It is advisable to find an experienced gynecologist in your country after returning from Turkey who has extensive experience with pregnancies after gastric sleeve surgeries.

Pregnancy After Gastric Bypass

During the waiting period before pregnancy, you will have ample time to seek specialized medical advice and find appropriate medical guidance for a future pregnancy. Your pregnancy will be closely monitored as a high-risk pregnancy in your country. Due to the extended waiting period until pregnancy, as well as lower risks, it is beneficial if patients are young enough. This helps to reduce risks that typically increase as menopause approaches. Therefore, the decision to undergo gastric surgery in Turkey / Antalya should not be delayed for too long.


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